Interested in becoming a member of the USS Chicago 721 Association?
The button below allows you to request membership. Your email must include your Full Name, Rate/Rank, Department/Division, Dates served onboard and include the names of two shipmates with whom you served onboard. Once your membership is approved you will then submit payment in the section below.
Join the 721 Association
Why join the 721 Association?
Membership dues support the mission of the Association
Scholarship fund to support the post secondary education of the children and grand-children of the members
Other benefits available only to members to be determined as the association grows
Participation in the Association as a voting member
Eligibility to serve on the Association Board of Directors
As the Association Membership grows, so does our ability to do more for the former crew members of the USS Chicago and their families.
Join the Association and become a part of our mission and help guide it's future
Membership Dues and Fees

General Member
Any former crew member, the widow of a deceased crew member or the adult children of a former crew member who joins “The Association” after 1 January 2024 are considered general members. General Members shall pay a one-time Initiation fee of $100.00 which covers the first Annual Dues Payment of $25.00. General members in Good Standing have one vote each at the Annual General Membership Meeting and may be nominated for positions on the executive board with the exception of President and Vice-President. Payment may be submitted via PayPal
Life Member
Any former crew member, the widow of a deceased crew member or the adult children of a former crew member who pay a life membership fee shall be deemed a life member. Life members in have one vote each at the Annual General Membership Meeting and may be nominated for positions on the executive board with the exception of President and Vice-President. Payment may be submitted via PayPal
Honorary Member
Individuals, associations, or corporations may be awarded honorary membership status by the Executive Committee. Honorary Members enjoy all of the rights and benefits of membership except voting and serving as an officer.
Members in Good Standing
General Members who pay their annual dues on time and comply with the rules and policies of “The Association” as set forth in these By-Laws, Life and Honorary Members who comply with the rules and policies of “The Association” as set forth in these By-Laws will be considered members in Good Standing. Only Members in good standing in “The Association” shall be eligible to participate in any and all activities of “The Association”, including one vote per member for all elections and nominations.
General Members of “The Association” shall pay a one-time initiation fee of $100.00 and annual dues of $25.00 each calendar year. The initiation fee and annual dues cover the membership for former crew members the widow of a deceased former crew member, the adult children of a former crew member.
The initiation fee includes the annual dues for that calendar year.
Annual dues will be received by “The Association” not later than 31 March of each calendar year. Membership Dues and Fees are tax deductible because our "Association" is a 501 (c)(3 ) non-profit organization.
A General Member shall cease to be a member in good standing and shall be suspended if the member’s annual dues are not received on time; the suspension shall be lifted if the dues are paid by 30 September of the calendar year in which they are due.
General members shall be dropped from the membership roster if the annual dues are not received by 30 September and must re-apply for membership which will include the payment of the initiation fee.
Life Members will pay a one-time membership fee of $300.00. Life members are exempt from paying annual dues. Life membership covers the membership for former crew members, the widow of a deceased former crew member and adult children of a former crew member.
Initiation fees and dues will not be prorated based on the calendar date received.
All Members or individuals who will be attending a reunion will be required to pay a registration fee to “The Association”. The registration fee will nominally be $25.00. However, the registration fee amount may be altered by vote of the executive committee upon recommendation of the Accommodation Committee and Treasurer.
All dues and fees are non-refundable.
Alternate Ways to Pay Membership Dues
Make Check Payable to:
USS Chicago SSN-721 Association Inc.
Please mail check to:
USS Chicago SSN-721 Association Inc.
P.O. Box 30
Westfield Indiana 46074
Check Payments
Payment may be submitted via Pay Pal, just select the payment button desired and you will be directed to PayPal where you will be able to choose you payment method. As a reminder all dues are TAX DEDUCTABLE as we are a 501 (c) (3) corporation.
Members of Navy Federal Credit Union can set up within their account to send money to the association. Assistance is available to set up this process, email Treasurer@721Association.com for Instructions.